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  1. Red Hat Data Grid
  2. JDG-490

Developer Guide Chapters 30-36 review feedback


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • JDG 7.0.0 ER9
    • JDG 7.0.0 ER9
    • Documentation
    • None

      11.6.4. - There is a stray step "4" with no instructions. Step 4 should be to compile the output from step 3 with your application to use those objects.

      Chapter 29 - Replace all occurrences of NotifyingFuture with CompletableFuture - "allMatch
      This operator is ran on each node" -> "run on each node" - "iterator spliterator
      These operators will return back sets of batches worth of entries when ran on a remote node, where the next batch is only sent after the previous is fully consumed." -> "These operators return batches of entries when run on a remote node, where the next batch is only sent after the previous is fully consumed."

      34. - "Cross-Datacenter Replication ensures data redundancy across clusters. Ideally, each of these clusters must be in a different physical location than the others." -> "Cross-Datacenter Replication ensures data redundancy across clusters. Ideally, each of these clusters should be in a different physical location than the others."

      34.3. - This section is a little strange, because it talks about the various ways that a site can be taken offline and only shows the programmatic example.

      34.4. - "Manual Cross Site Cluster Failover

      For manual site cluster switchover, call RemoteCacheManager’s switchToCluster(clusterName) or switchToDefaultCluster().

      Using switchToCluster(clusterName), users can force a client to switch to one of the clusters pre-defined in the Hot Rod client configuration. To switch to the initial servers defined in the client configuration, call switchToDefaultCluster()." - The second paragraph seems to refer to pre-defined clusters in the server configuration? (Maybe I'm wrong about this, but it isn't clear which client configuration it is referring to.

      35.1. - The warning should also say eager near caching is deprecated. (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-5544)

      35.3. - This section seems redundant, since this information is provided in the Note above about setting the size of the near cache

      36. - This chapter is completely malformed in my version and has not been reviewed. It should also be placed before the Appendix. I reloaded the Developer Guide, and this chapter is gone.

            rhn-support-chuffman Christian Huffman
            rhn-support-afield Alan Field
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