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  1. Red Hat Data Grid
  2. JDG-4116

[Operator] Upgrade process from 8.0.0 to 8.1.0 fails


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • RHDG 8.1 GA
    • Operator
    • None
    • False
    • False
    • Undefined
      • Update your CR to pass the validation
      • Delete both 8.0.3 and 8.1.0 subscriptions without deleting your CRs
      • Install 8.1.0 again

      If user creates simple Infinispan CR (eg. default one) with 8.0.0 and goes through update process up to 8.1.0 then the upgrade from 8.0.3 to 8.1.0 fails because CR created with 8.0.0 doesn't pass 8.1.0 validation. See the error message:

      error validating existing CRs agains new CRD's schema: infinispans.infinispan.org: error validating custom resource against new schema &apiextensions.CustomResourceValidation{OpenAPIV3Schema:(*apiextensions.JSONSchemaProps)(0xc001bede00)}: [[].spec.expose.type: Unsupported value: "": supported values: "NodePort", "LoadBalancer", "Route", [].spec.logging.categories: Invalid value: "null": spec.logging.categories in body must be of type object: "null", [].spec.service.sites.local.expose.type: Required value, [].spec.service.sites.locations: Invalid value: "null": spec.service.sites.locations in body must be of type array: "null"]

      This issue is tightly related to JDG-3557

            vrigamon@redhat.com Vittorio Rigamonti
            pdrobek@redhat.com Pavel Drobek (Inactive)
            Pavel Drobek Pavel Drobek (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
