Resolution: Done
JDG 7.2.3 GA
HotRod Server incorrectly returns wrong metadata for cache.getWithMetadata(key) (-1 is returned against metadata.getLifespan(), metadata.getMaxIdle(), metadata.getCreated() and metadata.getLastUsed()) when a larger value than 2147843 is set to lifespan / maxIdle.
- example Hot Rod client code:
// long lifespan = 2147483L; // OK long lifespan = 2147484L; // incorrectly treated as -1 // long lifespan = 2147483647L; // Integer.MAX_VALUE long maxIdle = lifespan; System.out.printf("Execute put() new entry \"%s=%s\" with lifespan=%s, maxIdle=%s\n", key, val, lifespan, maxIdle); cache.put(key, val, lifespan, TimeUnit.SECONDS, maxIdle, TimeUnit.SECONDS); System.out.printf("New entry created : %s = %s\n", key, cache.get(key)); MetadataValue metadata = cache.getWithMetadata(key); System.out.printf("New entry metadata: lifespan=%s, maxIlde=%s, lastUsed=%s, created=%s\n", metadata.getLifespan(), metadata.getMaxIdle(), metadata.getLastUsed(), metadata.getCreated());
- example logging output
Execute put() new entry "key=value" with lifespan=2147484, maxIdle=2147484 New entry created : key = value New entry metadata: lifespan=-1, maxIlde=-1, lastUsed=-1, created=-1
- clones
ISPN-9717 HotRod Server incorrectly returns -1 during obtaining metadata through getWithMetadata() when a larger value than 2147843 is set to lifespan / maxIdle
- Closed
- is caused by
ISPN-9717 HotRod Server incorrectly returns -1 during obtaining metadata through getWithMetadata() when a larger value than 2147843 is set to lifespan / maxIdle
- Closed
- links to