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  1. Red Hat Data Grid
  2. JDG-2177

Unable to login in JDG management console after securing cache container



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      • Make below changes in standalone.xml in JDG 7.2.2
        <authorization map-groups-to-roles="true"> <!-- Keep this value as true -->
        <cache-container name="local" default-cache="default" statistics="true">
        <identity-role-mapper />
        <role name="admin" permissions="ALL"/>
      • Add a management user named "arnav" and assign role "admin", the changes would reflect in mgmt-groups.properties.
      • Start oyur JDG 7.2.2 server using ./standalone.xh
      • Login to Management console using - localhost:9990
      • Give user name as "arnav" and the defined password.
      • JDG Management console will continuously logs error on console as well as in server logs.
      Make below changes in standalone.xml in JDG 7.2.2 ~~~ <authorization map-groups-to-roles="true"> <!-- Keep this value as true --> . . <cache-container name="local" default-cache="default" statistics="true"> <security> <authorization> <identity-role-mapper /> <role name="admin" permissions="ALL"/> </authorization> ~~~ Add a management user named "arnav" and assign role "admin", the changes would reflect in mgmt-groups.properties. Start oyur JDG 7.2.2 server using ./standalone.xh Login to Management console using - localhost:9990 Give user name as "arnav" and the defined password. JDG Management console will continuously logs error on console as well as in server logs.
    • JDG Sprint #21


      I configured cache container security in JDG 7.2.2 in standalone.xml file :
      <cache-container name="local" default-cache="default" statistics="true">
      <identity-role-mapper />
      <role name="admin" permissions="ALL"/>

      I created a management user "Saurabh" and assigned role "admin" to him- PFA attached mgmt-groups.properties.

      Below is the exception snippet :
      2018-09-18 22:57:57,118 ERROR [org.jboss.as.controller.management-operation] (External Management Request Threads – 4) WFLYCTL0013: Operation ("read-attribute") failed - address: ([
      ("subsystem" => "datagrid-infinispan"),
      ("cache-container" => "local")
      ]): java.lang.SecurityException: ISPN000287: Unauthorized access: subject 'Subject with principal(s): [org.jboss.as.core.security.SimplePrincipal@6f98bb1c, saurabh@ManagementRealm, admin@ManagementRealm, admin, InetAddressPrincipal <>]' lacks 'ADMIN' permission
      at org.infinispan.security.impl.AuthorizationHelper.checkPermission(AuthorizationHelper.java:87)


        1. mgmt-groups.properties
          0.7 kB
          Arnav Bhati
        2. standalone.xml
          14 kB
          Arnav Bhati

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              rhn-support-wfink Wolf Fink
              rhn-support-abhati Arnav Bhati (Inactive)
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