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  1. JBoss Web Services
  2. JBWS-3980

Make removing console log handler during prepare phase of testsuite optional


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Optional Optional
    • jbossws-cxf-5.1.5.Final
    • jbossws-cxf-5.1.3.Final
    • jbossws-cxf
    • None

      Current groovy scripts for preparing various server configuration for tests remove console handler and set logging only to file.
      This might be convenient for passing testsuite and/or for local run. For CI job or for debugging purposes it is often useful to have whole output (server log and test log) in one place to have context. So making the removal optional seems better to me.

            jbliznak@redhat.com Jan Blizňák
            jbliznak@redhat.com Jan Blizňák
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