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  1. JBoss Web Services
  2. JBWS-369

JSR181 section 3.1, last bullet seems to be ignored


      JSR-181 3.1 states that if a @WebMethod annotation is given on a method, then only those methods in that class are exposed as webservice.

      JBossWS currently at least produces wsdl for all methods in the class not only for the one tagged with the annotation.
      I did not yet try if all methods exposed through the wsdl are usable from a remote.

      How to repeat:

      1) create a class with two methods, tag only one with @WebMethod
      2) deploy
      3) go to the wsdl export http:/..../service?wsdl
      -> both methods show up.

              tdiesler@redhat.com Thomas Diesler
              pilhuhn Heiko Rupp
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