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  1. JBoss Web Services
  2. JBWS-3446

Evaluate options for enabling username over transport security wsse tests


      <ropalka> asoldano, IMHO we should remove
      <ropalka> <!-# UsernameTestCase requires trustore in jboss-web tomcat configuration->
      <ropalka> <exclude>org/jboss/test/ws/jaxws/samples/wssePolicy/UsernameTestCase.*</exclude>
      <ropalka> <exclude>org/jboss/test/ws/jaxws/samples/wsse/policy/basic/UsernameOverTransportTestCase.*</exclude>
      <ropalka> asoldano, from our test suite. Because having tests that are not executed doesn't make sense 2 me
      <ropalka> asoldano, WDYT?
      <asoldano> ropalka, I don't agree because tests are also needed as examples / tutorials to users
      <asoldano> ropalka, so if they want to see how to do that, they need those tests
      <asoldano> ropalka, this said, we should actually try them from time to time...
      <ropalka> asoldano, ok
      <ropalka> asoldano, shouldn't be these tests part of jboss quickstart ?
      <asoldano> ropalka, maybe..
      <asoldano> ropalka, do you know btw if the AS7 testsuite has SSL tests?
      <asoldano> ropalka, we might copy/extend them to cover our wsse transport security tests above
      <ropalka> asoldano, I have no idea. Ask Darran or Anil
      <ropalka> asoldano, that would be great
      <darran> asoldano, it is not something I have worked on myself but I think I have seen some in there
      <asoldano> darran, interesting, thanks

            rhn-support-asoldano Alessio Soldano
            rhn-support-asoldano Alessio Soldano
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