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  1. JBoss Web Services
  2. JBWS-3281

Create a migration guide to JBossWS 4.0 / AS 7 integration


    • Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.)

      A migration guide from JBossWS 3.4.x to JBossWS 4.0 (and in particular to AS7 w/ JBossWS 4) should be included in the release documentation.
      At the moment the topic to be covered should be:

      • consequences for users due to changes in classloading (see JBossWS AS7 FAQ)
      • changes in API (new jbossws-api library, package refactorings, etc.)
      • @WebContext(virtualHosts) -> @WebContext(virtualHost) change
      • changes in WS-* configuration
      • changes due to libraries upgrades (mainly due to dependencies coming from Apache CXF 2.4 upgrade)
      • new descriptor(s) (jboss-webservices.xml)

              rhn-support-asoldano Alessio Soldano
              rhn-support-asoldano Alessio Soldano
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