Resolution: Done
Apache CXF 2.3.3 is out; 2.3.4 is on development
- blocks
JBWS-3135 WSTF Scenario 3 - Asynch 02 test case failure
- Closed
JBWS-3136 WSTF Scenario 3 - Asynch 03/04 tests case failure
- Closed
JBWS-3185 WSTF Scenario 3 - Asynch 05/06/07/08 tests case failure
- Closed
JBWS-3088 Failures/regressions with WSTF Scenario 3 (JAXWS + WSA) intreop tests on AS trunk/CXF and AS 6.0.0.M3/Native
- Closed
JBWS-3198 EPR's address is NOT used for invocations on the endpoint when the dispatchImpl is created with EPR
- Closed
- is duplicated by
JBWS-3197 Update to Apache CXF 2.3.2
- Closed