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  1. JBoss Web Services
  2. JBWS-2890

wsprovide tool sets returning object's name to the "return" in the java file when no name is provided in the endpoint


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Obsolete
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • jbossws-2.0.1.SP2
    • tools-jaxws
    • None
    • Interactive Demo/Tutorial
    • Workaround Exists
    • Hide

      The workaround is to annotate the endpoint to define names for the return object in each webmethod

      The workaround is to annotate the endpoint to define names for the return object in each webmethod

      I use JBDS to create a "web service" based on a POJO. It generates some artifacts included some java source files.
      In the file named XXXResponse.java, there's some error code like:

      @XmlElement(namespace = "", name = "return")
      private String return;
      public String getReturn()

      { return this.return; }

      public void setReturn(String return1)

      { this.return = return; }

      "return" is a java key word, and can not be used as variable. This has been verified by
      a) JBDS generation of the webservice (Bottom-Up)
      b) wsprovide.sh (myself) -k
      c) wsprovide.bat (customer) by running JBDS on Windows

      The class itself when decompiled seems to have correctly the name to "_return"

      Hence, there seems to be an error in wsprovide tool creating the .java files (perhaps the wsdl as well)

              rhn-support-asoldano Alessio Soldano
              skoussou Stelios Koussouris (Inactive)
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