Resolution: Duplicate
If you have a webservice with the package name 'com.jboss.examples.Public.ws', running wsprovide generates a wsdl with the namespace: 'com.jboss.examples.Public.ws''.
Then if you run wsconsume on the wsdl, it fails to generate the java artifacts.
According to JAXB2.0 specification - Appendix D Section 5.1 Mapping from a Namespace URI. The algorithm in this section states, in item 8b, "If any of the resulting package name components are keywords then append underscore to them."
Looking at the JAXB code, it does check for reserved words and will prepend an '_', however the order of operations should be changed. Currently it looks for reserved words first, then changes the package to lowercase as is the Java standard. It should change it to lowercase first then check for reserved words and it will function correctly.
A bug [1] was opened on JAXWS showing the issue and suggesting the fix, which is a change to jaxb com/sun/xml/bind/api/impl/NameConverter.java
- duplicates
JBWS-2633 wscompile fails to create valid package name where namespace contains capitalised reserved keyword
- Closed