Resolution: Done
- [CXF-1244] Application Exception not initialized properly
- [CXF-1252] Provider PAYLOAD endpoint expects SOAP Envelope
- [CXF-1253] CXF does not respect @HandlerChain on client SEI
- [CXF-1261] Handler does not see XOP message properly
- [CXF-1510] Cannot handle anonymous bare requests
- [CXF-1511] WrappedMessageContext does not implement SOAPMessageContext
- [CXF-1513] NPE in JaxWsServiceConfiguration
- [CXF-1514] Generated WSDL does not take 'transport-guarantee' in web.xml into account
- [CXF-1515] Bad Enumeration value 'extension restriction'
- [CXF-1516] Type inheritance with document/literal/wrapped
- [CXF-1517] HTTP bindings for Provider
- [CXF-1518] Missing fault detail in messages from SLSB Provider
- [CXF-1519] Explicitly set the namespace of a WebFault
- [CXF-1520] MTOM chunked encoding transfer
- [CXF-1521] Exception handling with @WebFault annotation
- [CXF-1522] NPE in ServiceUtils
- [CXF-1623] Wrong AnnotationHandlerChainBuilder.protocolMatches() method implementation or preconditions
- [CXF-1624] XmlSchemaException: Schema name conflict in collection
JBWS-1683Fix JAXR samples for CXFJBWS-1774Provide tools implementation for CXFJBWS-2112Cannot use CXF with endpoint APIJBWS-2114IllegalArgumentException: Wrong target. classJBWS-2115EJB client vehicle not sufficiently isolatedJBWS-2117web.xml modified to web.xml.org - Subsequent runs failJBWS-2118context-root in jboss.xml is ignoredJBWS-2119WebServiceRef injection from DD doesn't workJBWS-2165Fix xop tests with maven buildJBWS-2223wsconsume for cxf buildJBWS-2227Investigate why multiple virtual hosts test fails on CXF
FIXME:JBWS-2203Implement CXF standard message context properties
FIXME [CXF-1257] Cannot create proxy for namespaced doc/wrapped
FIXME [CXF-1258] soap:Fault response does not cause SOAPFaultException
FIXME: [CXF-1310] Generated WSDL for an WS-RM endpoint does not contain RM policies
FIXME [JBCTS-540] EJB3 proxy does not implement the Home interface
FIXME:JBWS-1655- Add support for endpoint address rewriting
FIXMEJBWS-1665incorrect wsdl generation
FIXMEJBWS-981Virtual host configuration for EJB endpoints
- Won't Fix: [CXF-1261] Handler does not see XOP message properly
- [CXF-1244] Application Exception not initialized properly
- [CXF-1252] Provider PAYLOAD endpoint expects SOAP Envelope
- [CXF-1253] CXF does not respect @HandlerChain on client SEI
- [CXF-1510] Cannot handle anonymous bare requests
- [CXF-1511] WrappedMessageContext does not implement SOAPMessageContext
- [CXF-1513] NPE in JaxWsServiceConfiguration
- [CXF-1514] Generated WSDL does not take 'transport-guarantee' in web.xml into account
- [CXF-1515] Bad Enumeration value 'extension restriction'
- [CXF-1516] Type inheritance with document/literal/wrapped
- [CXF-1517] HTTP bindings for Provider
- [CXF-1518] Missing fault detail in messages from SLSB Provider
- [CXF-1519] Explicitly set the namespace of a WebFault
- [CXF-1520] MTOM chunked encoding transfer
- [CXF-1521] Exception handling with @WebFault annotation
- [CXF-1522] NPE in ServiceUtils
- [CXF-1623] Wrong AnnotationHandlerChainBuilder.protocolMatches() method implementation or preconditions
- [CXF-1624] XmlSchemaException: Schema name conflict in collection
EJBTHREE-1152service-ref in ejb-jar.xml is ignoredJBWS-1683Fix JAXR samples for CXFJBWS-1774Provide tools implementation for CXFJBWS-2112Cannot use CXF with endpoint APIJBWS-2114IllegalArgumentException: Wrong target. classJBWS-2115EJB client vehicle not sufficiently isolatedJBWS-2117web.xml modified to web.xml.org - Subsequent runs failJBWS-2118context-root in jboss.xml is ignoredJBWS-2119WebServiceRef injection from DD doesn't workJBWS-2120@WebWservice does not work with class isolationJBWS-2165Fix xop tests with maven buildJBWS-2174Cannot Obtain Destination for RequestJBWS-2223wsconsume for cxf buildJBWS-2227Investigate why multiple virtual hosts test fails on CXF
FIXME: [2203] Implement CXF standard message context properties
FIXME [CXF-1257] Cannot create proxy for namespaced doc/wrapped
FIXME [CXF-1258] soap:Fault response does not cause SOAPFaultException
FIXME: [CXF-1310] Generated WSDL for an WS-RM endpoint does not contain RM policies
FIXMEJBWS-1665incorrect wsdl generation
FIXMEJBWS-981Virtual host configuration for EJB endpoints
- blocks
JBWS-2007 Release jbossws-3.0.1 binaries and sources
- Closed