Resolution: Won't Do
Please look at the url for description. http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=116665
First ejb:
targetNamespace="namespace1", serviceName="UserAccountService1.0")
public class UserAccountService implements IUserAccountService
public boolean authenticate(@WebParam(name="username") String aUsername)
interface for 1st ejb:
public interface IUserAccountService
public boolean authenticate(String aUsername);
second ejb:
targetNamespace="namespaceExt", serviceName="UserAccountServiceExt1.0")
public class UserAccountServiceExt implements IUserAccountServiceExt
public boolean authenticate(@WebParam(name="username") String aUsername, @WebParam(name="password") String password)
{ boolean ret; ......... return ret; }
interface for 2nd ejb:
public interface IUserAccountServiceExt
public boolean authenticate(String aUsername, String aPassword);
- is blocked by
JBWS-1086 Conformance Requirements: Java to WSDL
- Closed
- is duplicated by
JBWS-2892 Conflicting operations in 2 WS within the same archive and package
- Closed
JBWS-2283 org.jboss.ws.WSException: <param> is not a valid property error if two webservices (from different beans but same package) with same method signature has different webparam(name) value.
- Closed
JBWS-2891 JAX-WS Detect and report duplicate wrapper classes
- Closed