Resolution: Done
jbossws-1.0.4, jbossws-1.2.0
Address in WSDL is now always replaced regardless of 'alwaysModifySOAPAddress' value.
If the property 'webServiceHost' is commented out the address is always replaced with the address used by the calling client.
If the 'webServiceHost' proprty is set then this value the address in the WSDL is always replaced with this value.
It should be possible to keep the original behaviour which allowed the address to be set in the WSDL and this address would always be returned so the three required scenarios are: -
1 - Use the hostname specified in the -beans.xml.
2 - Use the hostname already in the WSDL.
3 - Use the hostname of the calling client.
The output of http://localhost:8080/jbossws/services should also use the same addresses.
The Jira tasks which caused this change in behaviour are JBWS-1399 and JBWS-1178.