Feature Request
Resolution: Done
Mime attachments specified by the javax.xml.ws.binding.attachments.inboundand javax.xml.ws.binding.attachments.outbound properties defined in the MessageContext 9.2 can be modified in logical handlers. A SOAP message with the attachments specified using the properties is generated before invoking the first SOAPHandler. Any changes to the two properites in consideration above in the MessageContext after invoking the first SOAPHandler are ignored. The SOAPHandler however may change the properties in the MessageContext Use of javax.xml.ws.binding.attachments.outbound property in Dispatch
#1 When using Dispatch in SOAP / HTTP binding in payload mode, attachments specified using the javax.xml.ws.binding.attachments.outbound property will be included as mime attachments in the message.
#2 When using Dispatch in SOAP / HTTP binding in message mode, the javax.xml.ws.binding.attachments.outbound property will be ignored as the message type already provides a way to specify attachments.
Please scan the spec for other occurances of these properties.
An implementation should include test cases.