Resolution: Done
The WSDLs of the WS-C services (wsat-coordinator-binding and wscoor-activation-binding) are located in two places, in ws-c11.jar but also in wstx.jar.
They have been put in the ws-c11 jar so the coordinator service classes (also in this jar) can find them. But also in wstx11.jar so the client classes (also in wstx11.jar) can find them.
However, since all the XTS JARs at the moment are needed on each part of the system (Client, Coordinator, Participant), it's useless (and confusing) to have these WSDLs in both places.
I personally suggest to keep the ones in ws-c11.jar, so that they are easily recognizable as the counterparts of the WS-T services WSDLs in ws-t11.jar.