On March 3, 2025, Jira and Confluence support queue/operations will be moved from ServiceNow to Jira Service Management (JSM). Beginning on Mar. 3, raise support requests by visiting the JSM Portal.
We have removed references in the code to the following unsupported Orbs: orbix2000, hporb and visibroker. Data for these ORBs used to be read in via the config bean "OrbPortabilityEnvironmentBean.OrbData", but since we silently ignore the data the change should have no impact on existing user config.
We have removed references in the code to the following unsupported Orbs: orbix2000, hporb and visibroker. Data for these ORBs used to be read in via the config bean "OrbPortabilityEnvironmentBean.OrbData", but since we silently ignore the data the change should have no impact on existing user config.
Remove orbix2000, hporb and visibroker from the class
is blocked by
JBTM-3577JacORB is EOL - Remove it from the codebase