Resolution: Unresolved
We need to get handle on where we are with our coverage and then we need to decide what coverage we would like to aim for.
But before answering this question we need to get the coverage working again; there seems to be an issue with the jacoco plugin config, for example:
mvn test -PcodeCoverage -f ArjunaCore/pom.xml
produces the error:
INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.3:check (check) @ arjunacore-services --- [INFO] Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file:/home/mmusgrov/src/forks/narayana/narayana/ArjunaCore/arjuna/services/target/coverage-reports/jacoco-ut.exec
The coverage data is produced but the config is looking in the wrong location:
mmusgrov@dev2 narayana] (master) $ ls -l ArjunaCore/arjuna/target/coverage-reports/jacoco-ut.exec ArjunaCore/txoj/target/coverage-reports/jacoco-ut.exec -rw-rw-r--. 1 mmusgrov mmusgrov 2037753 Aug 5 09:33 ArjunaCore/arjuna/target/coverage-reports/jacoco-ut.exec -rw-rw-r--. 1 mmusgrov mmusgrov 483536 Aug 5 09:34 ArjunaCore/txoj/target/coverage-reports/jacoco-ut.exec
In addition, the JACOCO axis on our jenkins jobs no longer produce code coverage reports.
There are some files produced by the qa module but they are empty:
[mmusgrov@dev2 archive]$ ls -l qa/testoutput/site/jacoco/ total 0 drwxrwxr-x. 1 mmusgrov mmusgrov 400 Aug 5 09:16 jacoco-resources -rw-r--r--. 1 mmusgrov mmusgrov 0 Aug 4 08:43 report.csv -rw-r--r--. 1 mmusgrov mmusgrov 0 Aug 4 08:43 report.xml