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  1. JBoss Transaction Manager
  2. JBTM-3074

No test cleanup for STM taxonomy tests


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 5.9.1.Final
    • None
    • STM
    • None

      The tests added by JBTM-3058 are missing clean up actions . Some of the tests launch new threads and if they hang on one test they may cause subsequent tests to hang resulting in a stalled CI run (see attached file for an example). The after test clean up should report the failures and then clean up so that subsequent tests can execute.

        1. stm.dump
          41 kB
          Michael Musgrove

            rhn-engineering-mmusgrov Michael Musgrove
            rhn-engineering-mmusgrov Michael Musgrove
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