Feature Request
Resolution: Done
This is the tracker for all the issues I've found during EAP6 productization process.
- clones
JBTM-1662 idlj-maven-plugin need to be updated for missing files
- Closed
- relates to
JBTM-1598 version tags missed for all the sub-components
- Closed
JBTM-1662 idlj-maven-plugin need to be updated for missing files
- Closed
JBTM-1664 Create a profile that contains the components needed by EAP6
- Closed
JBTM-1669 Remove tanukisoftware wrapper dependency from EAP6 profile
- Closed
JBTM-1670 Add a community profile to enable none-EAP features: was Remove jfreechart dependency from EAP6 profile
- Closed
JBTM-1671 disable orson as dependecy
- Closed
JBTM-1672 remove findbugs profile from main build: was disable some plugins
- Closed
JBTM-1694 Separate emma into new profile so dependency is not required from maven central
- Closed
JBTM-1689 "jta" vs. "jts" profile seems duplicate
- Closed
JBTM-1695 Change the 'common' module to use the normal maven convention for source layout.
- Closed
JBTM-1696 arjunacore: artifactId is "arjunacore-all" but the name of the project is "ArjunaCore everything"
- Closed