Today there is substantial support in the Stunner BPMN editor (as well as in the legacy one) for parameter expressions dynamically resolving values using the #
{expression}syntax (see picture).
I'm surprised to see that this is not possible for the priority property of the connection coming out of a gateway (see picture).
In real life customers very often need to prioritize process task using a calculation. Assigning priorities of possibly hundreds of tasks manually simply does not scale.
This is in fact a nice use case for decision management. Customers have many times asked if business rules can be used to calculate task priorities just as many times they have asked the same to assign task ownerships. Often priority calculation is done with complex scorecards.
Doing the assignment manually would require the developer to run this calculation externally to PAM and copying the result to the editor, a clearly inefficient, labor intensive and error prone activity.
Please consider adding this capability in a future version.
Acceptance criteria
- Provide the ability to set expressions in the Priority field (properties tab), only applicable for User Tasks. Sequence flows' priorities are out from scope (runtimes doesn't support it
- Tooltip with possible values and usage is shown next to the field
- Serialization - Properly de/serialize and encode/decode the expression or literal value in/from the BPMN (XML) file
- is cloned by
KOGITO-6540 Stunner - Ability to set the priority of a task as a process variable in the BC BPMN editor
- Resolved
- is related to
JBPM-10025 Stunner - Update Tooltip message for Priority property in Task
- Resolved