The generated bpmn lacks structureRef for endMessageType
<bpmn2:itemDefinition id="endMessageType"/>
<bpmn2:message id="_Icr1JGVqEeuMVv5wG-FCkw" itemRef="endMessageType" name="endMessage"/>
If the same steps are performed in desktop or vscode editor, the generated XML is correct
<bpmn2:itemDefinition id="personMessageType" structureRef="com.javierito.Person"/>
<bpmn2:message id="_bRr10EeVEDmMS7uvL9VDoA" itemRef="personMessageType" name="personMessage"/>
- is cloned by
RHPAM-3437 BPMN editor [Business Central]: Missing structureRef for Message when creating process
- Closed
- is related to
KOGITO-3932 Stale itemDefinition after update of Intermediate Message Catch Event
- Closed
JBPM-9981 Error message in log when using signal without Data Assignment
- Open
JBPM-9627 Stunner - Update Message events marshaller tests for structureRef element
- Resolved