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  1. jBPM
  2. JBPM-8726

Form Content donĀ“t show the Documents control


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      I have successfully completed the following turorial:


      But I have a problem, when I start the process I have the requirement to upload several files (in the process start form I have a Documents control). When I launch the form from the central business this control is shown on the form but when I launch it from my application it is not shown (only the control of uploading a single document appears).

      Nor does the Documents control appear if I launch the form content from the API endpoint.

      With reference to my before mail/publication.
      I have 25 variables type org.jbpm.document.Documents in my business process.
      I execute, in the service folder, the "launch.bat clean install" command, and when compiling the kjar, the log shows this error:

      [ERROR] / E: / 91 BUSINESS APPs / AuditAppCopo / AuditAppCopo-kjar / src / main / java / en / tecdesoft / stage.java: [31,34] package org.jbpm.document does not exist

      When I start the form, the log shows:

      WARN 2864 — [0.0-8090-exec-5] o.k.s.s.j.u.f.r.AbstractFormRenderer: Field type DocumentCollection is not supported, skipping it ...

      From mvnrepository download the jar from org.jbpm.document, version 7.25.0, I add it to my kjar to trying solve the problem.
      I execute the "launch" command.On kjar compilation there aren't errors but when launching the start-process form the log shows the same as before:

      WARN 2864 — [0.0-8090-exec-5] o.k.s.s.j.u.f.r.AbstractFormRenderer: Field type DocumentCollection is not supported, skipping it ...

      This class is not able to handle type documents

        1. AbstracFormRenderer.JPG
          38 kB
        2. documentsNONapi.JPG
          65 kB
        3. documentsNONapp.JPG
          70 kB
        4. documentsSI.JPG
          73 kB
        5. DocumentCollection.JPG
          347 kB
        6. log.txt
          74 kB

              swiderski.maciej Maciej Swiderski (Inactive)
              carlos_conde carlos conde santos (Inactive)
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