Since the support for growable canvas (BAPL-1059), shapes are not anymore constrained for any range of locations, which actually leads to some errors:
- Not able to reconnect bendpoint from one node to another if nodes placed out of the canvas. I am able to disconnect the point from the node, but not able to connect it again/reconnect to another point
- Not able to add new bendpoint if sequence flow is out of the canvas. New nice animation shows successfully, but new bendpoint is not created
- Also nodes outside positive axis range locations are not being displayed on the preview panel
- When exporting the canvas into image or PDF, the nodes outside positive axis range locations are not exported into the resulting picture
Instead of fixing the above bugs, and any other related, the solution actually relies on setting again location constraints for shapes (aka DragConstraints), in order to allow only the range x/y >= 0. This will not allow the user to end up of the above issues as the user will be not able to use "negative" values on both axis ranges.
- is caused by
JBPM-5536 Stunner - possibility to enlarge a Business Process Canvas
- Resolved