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  1. jBPM
  2. JBPM-7720

REST Service (workitem) doesn't populate result to process variables.


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      Create a simple bpm process with one rest workitem (calling to whatever rest service),build, deploy and execute the process. You will get the error.

      Create a simple bpm process with one rest workitem (calling to whatever rest service),build, deploy and execute the process. You will get the error.
    • 2018 Week 36-38, 2018 Week 39-41, 2018 Week 42-44, 2018 Week 45-47

      Creating a simple bussiness process (with the new designer) which call to a rest service and set the Result on the process var we indicate (out) ... in execution time we get the below error:
      Note: Using the legacy designer works fine.

      lt task-23) Could not find variable scope for variable var_restCallExample.proce
      14:24:43,718 WARN [org.jbpm.workflow.instance.node.WorkItemNodeInstance] (defau
      lt task-23) when trying to complete Work Item Rest
      14:24:43,719 WARN [org.jbpm.workflow.instance.node.WorkItemNodeInstance] (defau
      lt task-23) Continuing without setting variable.

      Its seems happend the same even for populating outcome variables from human task form to process variables.

      Population seems broken in general on 7.10.Final (new process designer)

            evacchi Edoardo Vacchi (Inactive)
            ajim78 JOSE ANTONIO JIMENEZ CAPITAN (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
