Resolution: Done
2018 Week 36-38
Create a tool to validate the rhpam/dm templates in a similar way the OpenShift does.
This will prevent us to accidentally merge templates with syntax, missing parameters fields, tags, labels, etc.
One of the main purpose of this tool is integrate it with GitHub and trigger a test for every pull request against the application templates and also to support developers to find possible issues when updating the templates.
There is a few requirements:
- validate template syntax - OK
- validate template parameters - OK
- Required fields: name, displayName, description and required.
- convert yaml files to json - OK
- verify the template version (default value to be defined, can be parameterized) - OK
- verify if required tags are present (jboss) - OK
- verify if template name and template label are the same - OK
- verify if the required annotations are present and with the correct values - OK
- openshift.io/provider-display-name with value Red Hat, Inc
- template.openshift.io/support-url with value *https://access.redhat.com*
- template.openshift.io/bindable: "false"
- support to provide custom annotations via command parameter
- validate objects - OK
- for BuildConfigs and/or Deploymentconfigs include the annotation * template.alpha.openshift.io/wait-for-ready: "true"*