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  1. jBPM
  2. JBPM-7708

Syncing job executor with database stopped after temporary database unavailability


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 7.12.0.Final
    • 7.7.0.Final
    • KieServer
    • None
    • NEW
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      1. enable auto reconnect for jBPM data source on JBoss server eg. background-validation
      2. configure job executor to do synchronization with a database org.kie.executor.interval > 0
      3. start kie-server
      4. wait until job executor starts to sync with database - log entries "Load of jobs from storage started/finished" appear
      5. shutdown database - an exception should be written into log
      6. startup database
      7. job executor doesn't work - log entries "Load of jobs from storage started/finished" don't appear

      1. enable auto reconnect for jBPM data source on JBoss server eg. background-validation 2. configure job executor to do synchronization with a database org.kie.executor.interval > 0 3. start kie-server 4. wait until job executor starts to sync with database - log entries "Load of jobs from storage started/finished" appear 5. shutdown database - an exception should be written into log 6. startup database 7. job executor doesn't work - log entries "Load of jobs from storage started/finished" don't appear
    • 2018 Week 36-38

      I tested my system how it behaves when a database is temporarily unavailable. My JBoss EAP data sources are configured to auto-reconnect. As I expected processes that were running at the time of database breakdown ended with errors. After a few seconds when the database was back available I could run new processes with success but I noticed that job executor stopped to sync with the database. I have property org.kie.executor.interval set to 10 to sync job executor between nodes. After a short research, I found out that LoadAndScheduleRequestsTask doesn’t handle exceptions so when an exception is thrown ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor by design stops executing periodic tasks.

            swiderski.maciej Maciej Swiderski (Inactive)
            dariusz.uzar Dariusz Uzar (Inactive)
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