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  1. jBPM
  2. JBPM-6169

Multi-Instance Sub Process has several errors when saving it in JBDS


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • jBPM 6.5.0.Final
    • Eclipse
    • NEW
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      1. In Business Central, create new repository and project, create business process named 'testMI', import attached org.jbpm.testMI.v1.0.bpmn2 to it and save.(1-process.png)

      2. clone this project to JBDS by git(File->Import->Git->Projects from Git) and
      open the process => no problem

      3, make cosmetic change (e.g. move end node to left a bit) and save it
      => you would see the error, see


      At this point, when looking at properties of MI sub process,
      these properties are set as expected. (4-MISubProcessProperties.png)

      4. reset "Input Data Items" and "Output Data Items" after clearing these, specify appropriate data types for the errors something like the following and save it and confirm no error happens.

      • Data input xxxxx had no DataType
      • Data output xxxxx has no DataType

      Please note that Data Type need to be set for the following properties in JBDS which is not required in Business Central

      • Input Instance Parameter (corresponding to MI data input)
      • Output Instance Parameter (corresponding to MI data output)

      5. perform git commit&push the changes to upstream(Business Central)

      5. open modified process and confirm properties of MI Sub Process
      the followings are not set.(5-after-git-push.png)

      • MI data input
      • MI data output
      1. In Business Central, create new repository and project, create business process named 'testMI', import attached org.jbpm.testMI.v1.0.bpmn2 to it and save.(1-process.png) 2. clone this project to JBDS by git(File->Import->Git->Projects from Git) and open the process => no problem 3, make cosmetic change (e.g. move end node to left a bit) and save it => you would see the error, see testMI-justAfterSave.bpmn2 2-process-justAfterSave.png 3-error-justAfterSave.png At this point, when looking at properties of MI sub process, these properties are set as expected. (4-MISubProcessProperties.png) 4. reset "Input Data Items" and "Output Data Items" after clearing these, specify appropriate data types for the errors something like the following and save it and confirm no error happens. Data input xxxxx had no DataType Data output xxxxx has no DataType Please note that Data Type need to be set for the following properties in JBDS which is not required in Business Central Input Instance Parameter (corresponding to MI data input) Output Instance Parameter (corresponding to MI data output) 5. perform git commit&push the changes to upstream(Business Central) 5. open modified process and confirm properties of MI Sub Process the followings are not set.(5-after-git-push.png) MI data input MI data output

      bpmn2 which has Multi-Instance sub process was created by Business Central process designer and this repository was cloned from Business Central to JBDS. After that when modifying something and saving it by JBDS, several errors relevant to Multi-Instance properties appears.

      After correcting these errors by resetting these properties and setting appropriate data type, these changes were pushed back from JBDS to Business Central. When opening the modified process in Business Central, MI data Input and MI data output are not set.

        1. 2-process-justAfterSave.png
          15 kB
        2. 3-error-justAfterSave.png
          186 kB
        3. 4-MISubProcessProperties.png
          72 kB
        4. 5-after-git-push.png
          77 kB
        5. org.jbpm.testMI.v1.0.bpmn2
          16 kB
        6. testMI-justAfterSave.bpmn2
          11 kB
        7. testMI.bpmn2
          11 kB
        8. 1-process.png
          105 kB

              bbrodt_jira Robert (Bob) Brodt (Inactive)
              rhn-support-hmiura Hiroko Miura
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
