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  1. jBPM
  2. JBPM-6048

Kie scanner doesn't update processes


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      Deploy kjar with old process definition to Kie server, set container's release id to SNAPSHOT.
      Activate scanner for container.
      Deploy new kjar with updated process definition to repository.
      Wait until scanner updates container to new version.
      Retrieve process definition from updated container.

      Container still contains old process definition.

      Deploy kjar with old process definition to Kie server, set container's release id to SNAPSHOT. Activate scanner for container. Deploy new kjar with updated process definition to repository. Wait until scanner updates container to new version. Retrieve process definition from updated container. Container still contains old process definition.

      Kie server is started with container containing kjar with process version 1.0, container's release id is set to SNAPSHOT.
      If user adds new kjar to repository then scanner picks the new kjar and update container. But for example process definitions don't update.

              swiderski.maciej Maciej Swiderski (Inactive)
              ksuta Karel Suta
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