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  1. jBPM
  2. JBPM-4734

"Release" button makes the task disappear from the task list


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      Create an ad-hoc task in task list & click release button for it. Once you close the task details panel, you loose all the access to the task.

      Create an ad-hoc task in task list & click release button for it. Once you close the task details panel, you loose all the access to the task.

      When I click "release" button for some task, it disappears from all the filters in the task list. Previously the task was displayed with status "Ready" under filters:
      1) Active 2) Personal 3) All and NOT visible in Group

      Now it's not visible anywhere (checked with latest 6.3.0 & master)

      Alternatively this bug could be named as "Tasks in status Ready not displayed in the task list".

            salaboy@gmail.com Mauricio Salatino (Inactive)
            jhrcek Jan Hrcek (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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