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  1. jBPM
  2. JBPM-4321

Boundary Catch Error Event does not work - throws ClassCastException


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      1) Extract the attached maven test project
      2) change the DB url/user/pwd in myApp-context.xml
      3) Change the pom.xml to use the corresponding oracle driver
      4) run with mvn clean install
      Result : ClassCastException

      1) Extract the attached maven test project 2) change the DB url/user/pwd in myApp-context.xml 3) Change the pom.xml to use the corresponding oracle driver 4) run with mvn clean install Result : ClassCastException

      Problem : Attaching the boundary catch error event to multiple instance sub process will fail at runtime with ClassCastException.

      Though I tested it in jBPM-6.1.0.SNAPSHOT I believe the problem exists in previous version aswell.

      Please check the detailed issue here https://community.jboss.org/thread/240477

              swiderski.maciej Maciej Swiderski (Inactive)
              arifindia.mohammed@gmail.com Arif Mohammed (Inactive)
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