Resolution: Done
jBPM 6.0.0.Final
Referring to community problem discussion
The Jbpm-console / KIE does not show the Process Model if the display if the externalId in the Persistence Tables (PersistenceInstanceLog, NodeInstanceLog, VariableInstanceLog) is not the GAV but rather the unique processInstanceId provided by ksession.
- ) If clicked on a Process Model deployed through Jbpm-Console / KIE, then clicking on Process Models of Processes Instances created from external services shows the previous opened Process Model of Process Instances created from that internally by Jbpm-Console / Kie. Or even wrong Process models for the Process Instances created from the external Services.
- ) Process Models will show IF "externalId" in Persistence Tables are that of GAV (Group, Artifact, Version) . This in Jbpm-console / KIE is displayed as DeployementId for the Process Instance Model, Process instance.
-) Process Models will NOT show IF "externalId" in Persistence Tables is that provided by ksession.getProcessInstance().getId() [ unique ] from external execution (non jbpm-console). Process Instance IS Listed but NOT Process Instance Model. Observation DeploymentId is NOT GAV.
-) Seems that for the Process Model to display, the externalId has to be the GAV. Observation is that patching Unique externalId provided by ksession with GAV will have the Process Instance Model view.
Problem Statement.
This is non ideal as the (unique) externalId provided from ksession is required for event processing. In the real world where there might be hundreds to thousands of Process Instances initiated, if the externalId is that of GAV, rather than the specific unique process instance id provided by ksession is event triggered to continue, the whole system will be scanned to continue which will definately cause a problem.
Also, based on documentation on event handling, this is an inconsistency in what is documented on Process Initiation and also Event Handling.