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  1. jBPM
  2. JBPM-3895

Send and/or Receive Tasks inside an Embedded Subprocess are corrupted when saving


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      Create a new BPMN process:
      start->embedded subprocess->end
      Add the content of the Embedded Subprocess:
      start->receive task->end
      Set relevant attributes of the Receive Task (especially MessageRef).
      Save the process.
      Check the attributes of the Receive Task.
      MessageRef attribute has been deleted.

      Create a new BPMN process: start->embedded subprocess->end Add the content of the Embedded Subprocess: start->receive task->end Set relevant attributes of the Receive Task (especially MessageRef). Save the process. Check the attributes of the Receive Task. MessageRef attribute has been deleted.

      When adding Receive or Send Tasks inside an Embedded Subprocess the designer can not produce a valid BPMN.
      Specifically the MessageRef attribute of these tasks is deleted when the process is saved and no item definition is created for the messageRefs (which would normally be the case).
      Importing a correct BPMN with Send or Receive Tasks inside an Embedded Subprocess corrupts the process by deleting the messageRef attribute and its item definition.

              rhn-support-tsurdilo Tihomir Surdilovic (Inactive)
              nilsmiehemorpho Nils Miehe (Inactive)
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