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  1. jBPM
  2. JBPM-3783

Remove the hard-coded host address and use jboss.bind.address value programatically for communications between "designer.war", "jboss-brms.war" and "business-central-server.war"


      JBoss Enterprise BRMS Platform 5.3.0 uses REST API for communications between "designer.war", "jboss-brms.war" and "business-central-server.war" . By default this communication relies on the loop-back interface, so, using -b <another-interface> will refuse the connection from a different one than localhost (e.g. I.P. address of your system).
      The problem comes when a user starts the server normally (binding to "localhost") and creates some BPMN2 processes from jBPM Process Designer and then restarts the server using "-b <I.P.Address/Hostname>" option, he would be able to see those processes he previously created but their contents would not be available to view/edit. If he has to see the contents of the previously created processes (while server was running on "localhost") he either has to start the server only binding to "localhost" again or need to specify the I.P. Address/Hostname in the following files.

      1. Edit "deploy/designer.war/profiles/jbpm.xml" and define a proper value for "externalloadurl" tag. The following is the default entry:
        <externalloadurl protocol="http" host="localhost:8080" subdomain="jboss-brms/org.drools.guvnor.Guvnor/oryxeditor" usr="admin" pwd="admin"/>
      2. The same must be done in "deploy/business-central-server.war/WEB-INF/classes/jbpm.console.properties" as well. The following is the default entry:
      3. Also, inside "deploy/jboss-brms.war/WEB-INF/classes/preferences.properties" you need to change the following values.
        By default this is what you get:
      • To avoid this manual work why not we remove the hard-coded host address and use jboss.bind.address value programatically so that customers need not to make so many changes while binding the server to I.P. address or host using "-b" option at start-up.

              rhn-support-tsurdilo Tihomir Surdilovic (Inactive)
              rhn-support-mhussain Musharraf Hussain
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
