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  1. jBPM
  2. JBPM-2615

Update hibernate-type process variables via form template


      In the Freemarker template attached to my task node, if I have a form field that references a process variable of a simple type, String e.g.,

      [input type="text" name="stringProcVar" value="${stringProcVar}"]

      the process variable stringProcVar is updated on form submit. However, if I have a form field that references 'objvar', a process variable that is of type 'hibernate entity with a string id':

      [input type="text" name="objvar.property" value="${objvar.property}"]

      the properties of 'objvar' are displayed correctly in the form. However, updates to the value (input field on form post) do not update objvar's properties. Instead, a new process variable is created:

      DEBUG [org.jbpm.pvm.internal.model.ScopeInstanceImpl] (http- create variable 'objvar.property' in 'execution[ESP-9]' with value 'abc123'

      It would be nice if the form processor would update the 'property' on the existing variable 'objvar' and then update (persist) objvar.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              markroy Mark Roy (Inactive)
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