Resolution: Done
- Remove the legacy designer (jbpm-designer) from the BC bundle
- Perform automatic (transparent) migration once opening a legacy process, in order to be properly handled by the Process Designer (Stunner based)
- [Post Check] Verify that all the IBM security issues, from the spreadsheet, related to the legacy designer, are now fixed, by assuming files or classes are not actually present in the bundle
- Legacy designer is actually "deprecated", so no new asset can be created, although the bundle is still distributed in order to support migration from older releases. This way once opening a legacy process, the legacy designer still opens and allow users to perform migration
- Main motivation for dropping the legacy assets from the bundle is due to security vulnerabilities found during RHPAM transition to IBM
- Applies for latest RHPAM 7.13 bundle to be distributed to IBM (latest community 7.67.X branch https://github.com/kiegroup/kie-wb-common/)
Eng. Actions
- Analysis
- Identify active dependencies and usages for legacy designer accross BC scope (backend services, other BC assets, runtime management views)
- Analyze if it's possible to use the migration service on background, once opening a legacy process
- VFS operations & checks
- Process SVG also being generated
- Migration code dependencies & usage
- Manage migration errors
- Execution
- Achieve transparent server side migration, (operations must be completely decoupled from legacy designer)
- Removing legacy designer form bundle
- BC assets / references
- Backend services
- Any client public resource (eg: js, html, images and any other static resource being accessible)
- ApproachA: dropping all dependecies and usages from the codebase itself
- ApproachB: filtering out ALL assets from the bundle only, codebase not necessary being removed
- Testing (manual / unit)
Acceptance criteria
- Legacy Designer is completely removed from Business Central
- It is neither possible to create nor open legacy processes.
- Verify, the security issues are gone by checking no assets from legacy designer are longer present in the BC bundle (eg: html, js, etc).
- Automatic legacy process migration
- When trying to open a legacy process (the files with bpmn2 extension), the application performs an automatic and transparent process migration in the server side and open it in the Stunner based Process Designer.
- Both bpmn and bpmn2 files will end up in the VFS for the actual project as well as shown among other assets.
- causes
JBPM-10104 Bpmn2 files in Xml editor have Properties panel that contains data from other processes
- Open