
    • Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • EAP_EWP 5.2.0
    • EAP_EWP 5.1.2
    • HornetQ
    • None
    • Release Notes
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       In previous versions of JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5, when a HornetQ "connector" was bound to <literal></literal> HornetQ would tell a remote client to connect to the same address. However, <literal></literal> is meaningless to a remote client. This issue was resolved by detecting the <literal></literal> binding and replacing that value with the result of <code>InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()</code> so that the remote client can connect properly.
       In previous versions of JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5, when a HornetQ "connector" was bound to <literal></literal> HornetQ would tell a remote client to connect to the same address. However, <literal></literal> is meaningless to a remote client. This issue was resolved by detecting the <literal></literal> binding and replacing that value with the result of <code>InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()</code> so that the remote client can connect properly.
    • Documented as Resolved Issue
    • NEW

          rhn-support-jbertram Justin Bertram
          rhn-support-jbertram Justin Bertram
          Scott Thomas Scott Thomas (Inactive)
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