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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 4 and 5
  2. JBPAPP-9236

A connection leaks when idle timeout processing is executed setting security-domain configuration


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • EAP_EWP 5.2.0
    • EAP_EWP 5.1.1, EAP_EWP 5.1.2
    • JCA
    • None
    • Release Notes
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      When a security domain was set in the data source configuration, a race condition between the IdleRemover thread and the JCA PoolFiller thread caused a connection leak, when a connection was created outside of the connection pool. Consequently, the pool failed to contain the required minimum number of connections. The race condition has been fixed and the pool connections are created correctly.
      When a security domain was set in the data source configuration, a race condition between the IdleRemover thread and the JCA PoolFiller thread caused a connection leak, when a connection was created outside of the connection pool. Consequently, the pool failed to contain the required minimum number of connections. The race condition has been fixed and the pool connections are created correctly.
    • Documented as Resolved Issue
    • NEW

      A connection may leak when the idle timeout processing is executed setting the security-domain configuration. This leak is race condition issue between the IdleRemover thread and the JCA PoolFiller thread.
      When the security-domain is set in datasource configuration, JBossManagedConnectionPool$BasePool.emptySubPool as the IdleRemover thread processing is called by processing of the 498th[*2] line in the removeIdleConnections method.
      When the 494th[*1] line in the removeIdleConnections method as the IdleRemover thread is called, the 547th[*4] line in InternalManagedConnectionPool.fillToMin as the JCA PoolFiller thread is executed and a connection is created.
      If [*4] is executed immediately after executing [*2], the pool.isEmpty[*3] processing in JBossManagedConnectionPool$BasePool.emptySubPool may return by true. If [*3] returns true, a connection is created which is not managed in connection pool. So if this behavior is repeating, a connection leaks at a time.
      Moreover, if [*2] is executed before [*4] processing, all the connections will be released and connection will be not re-created to the min-pool-size.

      the IdleRemover thread
      449#   public void removeIdleConnections()
      --- snip
      482#      if (destroy != null)
      483#      {
      484#         for (int i = 0; i < destroy.size(); ++i)
      485#         {
      486#            ConnectionListener cl = (ConnectionListener) destroy.get(i);
      487#            if (trace)
      488#               log.trace("Destroying timedout connection " + cl);
      489#            doDestroy(cl);
      490#         }
      492#         // We destroyed something, check the minimum.
      493#         if (shutdown.get() == false && poolParams.minSize > 0)
      [*1]494#            PoolFiller.fillPool(this);
      496#         // Empty sub-pool
      497#         if (jmcp != null)
      [*2]498#            jmcp.getPoolingStrategy().emptySubPool(this);
      499#      }
      969#      public void emptySubPool(InternalManagedConnectionPool pool)
      970#      {
      971#         if (pool != null)
      972#         {
      973#            synchronized (subPools)
      974#            {
      975#               for (Iterator i = subPools.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
      976#               {
      977#                  SubPoolContext subPoolContext = (SubPoolContext) i.next();
      978#                  InternalManagedConnectionPool other = subPoolContext.getSubPool();
      [*3]979#                  if (other == pool && pool.isEmpty())
      980#                  {
      981#                     pool.shutdown();
      982#                     i.remove();
      983#                     break;
      984#                  }
      985#               }
      986#            }
      987#         }
      988#      }
      the JCA PoolFiller thread
      525#   public void fillToMin()
      526#   {
      527#      while (true)
      528#      {
      --- snip
      544#                  // Create a connection to fill the pool
      545#                  try
      546#                  {
      [*4]547#                     ConnectionListener cl = createConnectionEventListener(defaultSubject, defaultCri);
      548#                     synchronized (cls)
      549#                     {
      550#                        if (trace)
      551#                           log.trace("Filling pool cl=" + cl);
      552#                        cls.add(cl);
      553#                     }
      554#                  }

      [InternalManagedConnectionPool.java] http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/tags/JBPAPP_5_1_2_GA/connector/src/main/org/jboss/resource/connectionmanager/InternalManagedConnectionPool.java
      [JBossManagedConnectionPool.java] http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/tags/JBPAPP_5_1_2_GA/connector/src/main/org/jboss/resource/connectionmanager/JBossManagedConnectionPool.java

            jpederse@redhat.com Jesper Pedersen
            rhn-support-enagai Eiichi Nagai (Inactive)
            Eva Kopalova Eva Kopalova (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
