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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 4 and 5
  2. JBPAPP-8912

Remoting tries to create SSLSocketFactory even when not desired


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      Add the code in the description before a web service invocation.

      Add the code in the description before a web service invocation.
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      Install a Log4J filter that denies the confusing ERROR log message. Remoting still tries to create its own SSLSocketFactory, but it will harmlessly fail silently.

      Install a Log4J filter that denies the confusing ERROR log message. Remoting still tries to create its own SSLSocketFactory , but it will harmlessly fail silently.
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      If you had configured JBossWS clients to use the socket factory returned by HttpsURLConnection.getDefaultSSLSocketFactory(), then you would receive an ERROR log message even though the configuration would work properly. The code causing this issue has been cleaned up, and a new property is available to tell JBossWS to use the default SSL socket factory: StubExt.PROPERTY_DEFAULT_SSL_SOCKET_FACTORY.
      If you had configured JBossWS clients to use the socket factory returned by HttpsURLConnection.getDefaultSSLSocketFactory(), then you would receive an ERROR log message even though the configuration would work properly. The code causing this issue has been cleaned up, and a new property is available to tell JBossWS to use the default SSL socket factory: StubExt.PROPERTY_DEFAULT_SSL_SOCKET_FACTORY.
    • Documented as Resolved Issue
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      Running the following code is an alternative way to set the keystore/truststore in a remoting client:

       KeyStore ksTrust = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
          ksTrust.load(new FileInputStream("testTrust"), passphrase);
          TrustManagerFactory tmf =
          SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
          sslContext.init(null, tmf.getTrustManagers(), null);

      When this code is added, Remoting should not try to create its own SSLSocketFactory. Currently there is no way to tell Remoting to not try. This causes a confusing ERROR message:

      Error creating SSL Socket Factory for client invoker: Error initializing socket factory SSL context: Can not find truststore url.

      After this message is logged, the client still works because it falls back to the default SSLSocketFactory (that was already set).

            rh-ee-klape Kyle Lape
            rh-ee-klape Kyle Lape
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