• Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • EAP_EWP 5.2.0
    • EAP_EWP 5.1.2
    • Clustering
    • None
    • Release Notes
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      Due to issues in the Oracle driver, the JDBCCacheLoader did not work with an Oracle database if the serialized form of the data exceeded a certain size (a couple of KB). The "cache.jdbc.node.useSetBlob" cache loader flag has been added to solve this problem: when the flag is set, JDBC uses a different JDBC call of the Oracle driver implementation and the JDBCCacheLoader works as expected with Oracle databases under these circumstances.

      Due to issues in the Oracle driver, the JDBCCacheLoader did not work with an Oracle database if the serialized form of the data exceeded a certain size (a couple of KB). The "cache.jdbc.node.useSetBlob" cache loader flag has been added to solve this problem: when the flag is set, JDBC uses a different JDBC call of the Oracle driver implementation and the JDBCCacheLoader works as expected with Oracle databases under these circumstances.
    • Documented as Resolved Issue
    • NEW

      The Oracle driver throws the exception "java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column"
      when the cacheloader tries to save more than a couple KB of data

            rhn-support-dereed Dennis Reed
            rhn-support-dereed Dennis Reed
            Eva Kopalova Eva Kopalova (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
