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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 4 and 5
  2. JBPAPP-7375

Corrections to PDF version of JBM User Guide


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      There are some formatting problems in PDF version of JBoss Messaging User Guide, for example:

      Page vii - last bullet (submit a support case to Red Hat Global Support Services (GSS).) is under the line
      Pages 2,6,8,50,54,60,66 - blank pages
      Pages 29,32 - head-line of Important boxes (Important - Closing Clients Issue on Nodes with MaxRetry set to -1) - the star covers "-1"
      Page 47-49 - Tables 5.1 and 5.2 contain text overflow

      However these problems do not occur in HTML version so it is possible that it is a problem of tool which creates PDF.
      Could you look at it please?

      Thank you,

              jaredmorgs_jira Jared Morgan (Inactive)
              nziakova@redhat.com Nikoleta Ziakova (Inactive)
              Jared Morgan Jared Morgan (Inactive)
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