Resolution: Done
Release Notes
Not Required
- blocks
JBPAPP-5588 Track component upgrades - EAP 4.3 CP10
- Closed
- is blocked by
JBPAPP-5348 Solaris - wsconsume and wsprovide scripts run errors
- Closed
JBPAPP-5597 JBossWS: MTOM + WS-Security not working
- Closed
JBPAPP-6253 JBossWS - Implement support for SOAP12 protocol in wsprovide
- Closed
JBPAPP-5258 JBossWS Native - Reduce Logging Level for MessageContextJAXWS when WSDL URL fails conversion to URI
- Closed
JBPAPP-5486 JBossWS - Timeout value gets inserted into URLs
- Closed
JBPAPP-5506 JBossWS - Setting a new config at runtime the properties are not available to RemotingConnectionImpl
- Closed
JBPAPP-5546 JBossWS - SAAJ Where an Element is added to the SOAPBody this should be converted to a SOAPElement
- Closed
JBPAPP-5827 JBossWS - PasswordType element uses wss-wssecurity-secext NS instead of wss-username-token-profile
- Closed
JBPAPP-6559 Release and upgrade JBossWS SPI to 1.0.0.GA_CP03
- Closed
JBPAPP-6560 Release and upgrade JBossWS Framework to 2.0.1.GA_CP06
- Closed