Resolution: Done
EAP_EWP 5.1.0_CR3
Windows 2003, Sun JDK 1.6, Internet Explorer 8
Interactive Demo/Tutorial
The SeamBay example shipped as part of the Enterprise Platform contained an incompatibility with Internet Explorer 8. This has been resolved, and the example once again works with Internet Explorer 8.
Documented as Resolved Issue
Going to Web Services page and after to logging in:
1) conversationId is NOT copied to read-only input field (id=conversationId)
2) response text area (id=serviceResponse) contains string "<result>true</result>", but selenium test is unable to find it
- relates to
JBPAPP-5389 Backport fix for JBPAPP-5056 to eap4.3 Seam2
- Closed