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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 4 and 5
  2. JBPAPP-3723

stickySession/Force documentation mismatch


      The documentation says the default for stickySessionForce is true looking at the configuration in mod-cluster-jboss-beans.xml:

      <property name="stickySessionForce">false</property>

      Furthermore the description for stickySessionRemove is unclear:

      "Indicates whether the httpd proxy should remove session stickiness in the event that the balancer is unable to route a request to the node to which it is stuck. This property is ignored if stickySession is false. "

      This is not clear to me: what does it do? remove session stickiness - from what (session? node? cluster? balancer? proxy?) and for how long (for one fail-over? forever? for that session?)

            rhn-engineering-rhusar Radoslav Husar
            rhn-engineering-rhusar Radoslav Husar
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