Resolution: Done
- blocks
JBPAPP-4127 Track component updates - EAP 5.1
- Closed
JBPAPP-4147 Upgrade JBossWS Native to 3.1.2.SP7
- Closed
- is blocked by
JBPAPP-4566 JBossWS - XTS testsuite fails with javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: Cannot get JNDI context
- Closed
JBPAPP-3785 Wrong namespace on SOAP operation when a method with header parameter having a new namespace is invoked, "second" after a method that does not have this namespace'd parameter
- Closed
JBPAPP-3808 JBossWS- wsa implementation does not handle the wsa action right and throw right missing action element exception
- Closed
JBPAPP-3832 JBossWS natvie does not ignore the handler chain which contains illegal namespace prefix in handle chains configuration file and is failed to deploy
- Closed
JBPAPP-3860 The handler chain configured by annotation in client side does not work
- Closed
JBPAPP-3873 Swallow the outbound SoapFaultException threw by client side handler
- Closed
JBPAPP-3930 JBossWS - Remove dependency on Sun specific JVM classes
- Closed
JBPAPP-3941 SOAPMessageImpl.saveChanges() changed the referenced mimeHeaders
- Closed
JBPAPP-3948 ClassCastException: org.jboss.ws.core.jaxws.client.DispatchImpl cannot be cast to org.jboss.ws.core.StubExt in ServiceDelegateImpl
- Closed
JBPAPP-3962 CommonBindingProvider.getEndpointReference(Class clazz) :WebServiceExeption should be thrown when the clazz is not assignableFrom W3CEndpointReference
- Closed
JBPAPP-3977 JBossWS - Timeout value gets inserted into URLs
- Closed
JBPAPP-3982 JBossWS - Do not throw java.lang.IllegalStateException for endpoints without WSDL
- Closed
JBPAPP-3983 JBossWS - Throw java.lang.IllegalStateException in EPRBuilders according to JAXWS specification
- Closed
JBPAPP-3984 There is no WebServiceException thrown when the null value is passed as arguments to a rpc/literal operation
- Closed
JBPAPP-3987 JBossWS - WSProvide tool throws WSExcepton for WebServiceProvider annotated endpoints
- Closed
JBPAPP-3995 JBossWS - Client side respects the @HandlerChain in service endpoint interface class
- Closed
JBPAPP-3999 JBossWS - Implement support for SOAP12 protocol in wsprovide
- Closed
JBPAPP-4024 JAXBSerializer does not use defaultNamespace to create JAXBContext
- Closed
JBPAPP-4025 The incompatiable handler can be added in HTTPBinding
- Closed
JBPAPP-4026 JBossWS native does not repsect the fault value in @Action
- Closed
JBPAPP-4027 JBossWS does not check mismatch between soap action and wsa action.
- Closed
JBPAPP-4032 JBossWS-The wsa action in response message is not correct when the @Action output value is not specified
- Closed
JBPAPP-4063 JBossWS - Native ignores user specified MessageContext.HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS
- Closed
JBPAPP-4243 Example doc/examples/jboss-web-services-examples/context/java/org/jboss/test/ws/jaxws/samples/context is not working
- Closed
JBPAPP-4384 JBossWS - Fix EJB Integration Issue
- Closed
JBPAPP-2142 JBossWS - Enable simpler approach to disable chunked encoding
- Closed
JBPAPP-3544 JBossWS - Optimize DocumentBuilderFactory creation using DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(String s, ClassLoader c)
- Closed
JBPAPP-3571 JBossWS - Optimize EntityResolver setup in DOMUtils
- Closed
JBPAPP-3576 Release and upgrade JBossWS Common to 1.1.0.SP6
- Closed
JBPAPP-3803 JBossWS - Inconsistent / Incomplete handling of CONFIDENTIAL transport-guarantee defined in jboss.xml compared to @WebContext annotation
- Closed
JBPAPP-3813 WS native statck test suite failures on Windows XP
- Closed
JBPAPP-3960 JBossWS - org.jboss.ws.core.soap.TextImpl does not implement org.w3c.dom.Comment
- Closed
JBPAPP-4033 JBossWS- Add <wsa:MessageID> element in request soap message
- Closed
JBPAPP-4161 JBossWS - synchronize jUDDI service in JBossWS with version distributed in EAP
- Closed
JBPAPP-4162 JBossWS - Update pom.xml files for using the new maven repository
- Closed
JBPAPP-4237 JBossWS - Additional '=' sign added to POST header for JAX-WS request
- Closed
JBPAPP-4355 Release and upgrade JBossWS SPI to 1.1.2.SP4
- Closed
JBPAPP-4359 Provide support for JMS endpoints with HornetQ
- Closed
JBPAPP-4364 Release JBossWS Framework 3.1.2.SP7
- Closed
JBPAPP-3974 JBossWS - switch jaxws sun tools from 2.1.3 to 2.1.7
- Closed