Resolution: Won't Do
WFK 1.0.0.CR6
I've installed WFK on RHEL-5 as described in release notes. The result is quite different than expected. A copy of expected structure and my comments follow:
/usr/share/gwt/ - THE JARS ARE BINARY DIFFERENT - the only difference is the version of Java they've been compiled with (JDK5u17 vs JDK5u18)
/usr/share/java/richfaces/ - EMPTY
/usr/share/richfaces-3.3.0/ - EMPTY
/usr/share/javadoc/richfaces/ - NOT PRESENT
/usr/share/doc/richfaces-3.3.0/ - NOT PRESENT
/usr/share/java/spring2* - NO SUCH JARS PRESENT
/usr/share/spring2-2.5.6/ - CONTAINS ONLY "etc" - PERHAPS OK?
/usr/share/spring2-2.5.6/etc/ - OK
/usr/share/javadoc/spring2/ - NOT PRESENT
/usr/share/doc/spring2-2.5.6/ - PRESENT, however only contains changelog, license, notice and readme files.
/usr/share/java/struts-* - ONLY struts-1.3.8.jar and struts-extras-1.3.8.jar are present, OTHERS ARE MISSING
Furthermore, struts-core-1.3.8.jar cyclic symlink is present
/usr/share/struts/ - PRESENT, CONTAINS ONLY DTDs , .tld and .xml files and empty apps folder
/usr/share/javadoc/struts/ - NOT PRESENT
Looks like "yum install gwt richfaces spring2 struts" installs very limited subset of the WFK packages.
For instance, yum install richfaces-framework richfaces-javadoc richfaces-manual richfaces-ui has to be run in order to install richfaces
The installation log is attached.