Resolution: Done
Release Notes
- is blocked by
JBPAPP-2743 JBossWS - Make EndpointRegistry available through JMX
- Closed
JBPAPP-1704 org.jboss.test.ws.jaxrpc.samples.wsaddr.replyto.AddressingReplyToTestCase failure
- Closed
JBPAPP-2060 Allow binding objects that are defined by XmlAttribute from "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"
- Closed
JBPAPP-2098 MTOM/XOP Interoperability - cid href URLEncode/URLDecode
- Closed
JBPAPP-2327 JBossWS - JavatoWSDL Package to Namespace mapping does not support multiple packages
- Closed
JBPAPP-2341 JBossWS - XmlAttachmentRef annotation on List<DataHandler> is not identified as an Attachment part
- Closed
JBPAPP-2824 WSDL_DESCRIPTION population in MessageContext badly affects performances
- Closed
JBPAPP-2125 Release and upgrade JBossWS Common to 1.0.0.GA_CP05
- Resolved
JBPAPP-2343 Release and upgrade JBossWS Framework to CP05
- Resolved
JBPAPP-2093 JBossWS - Make the JBoss Remoting property 'socketFactoryClassName' available to allow clients to specify the SocketFactory
- Closed
JBPAPP-2105 JBossWS - Concurrency issues where multiple threads create Port using Service Simultaneously
- Closed
JBPAPP-2108 JBossWS - Issue with SAAJ API: SOAPBody.getElementsByTagNameNS() is non-recursive
- Closed
JBPAPP-2114 JBossWS - Incorrect Parsing of Badly Formed int
- Closed
JBPAPP-2115 Build and upgrade to JAXB 2.1.4.patch03
- Closed
JBPAPP-2121 Sun JAXB Accepts Message Despite Failure During Parsing
- Closed
JBPAPP-2127 JBossWS - Add support for Node.getTextContent
- Closed
JBPAPP-2185 JBossWS - Implement Node.setTextContent()
- Closed
JBPAPP-2239 Calling setPrefix(newPrefix) on any SOAPElement the prefix is not used for marshalling.
- Closed
JBPAPP-2279 JBossWS - Node.getElementsByTagName() only works with name local part
- Closed
JBPAPP-2280 JBossWS - Element.getElementsByTagNameNS should support wildcards for namespace, local name or both
- Closed
JBPAPP-2296 JBossWS - Unable to unmarshall attachment parts where the type is 'application/octet-stream'
- Closed
JBPAPP-2863 JBossWS - OutOfMemoryExecption in WSDL11Reader when loading xml schemas with circular references
- Closed
JBPAPP-2869 JBossWS - wsconsume.bat is missing jars listed in wsconsume.sh
- Closed
JBPAPP-2879 JBossWS - WSDL11Reader issue with schemas with no namespace and improve optimisation for circular references.
- Closed