Resolution: Done
Release Notes
- is blocked by
JBPAPP-1548 JBossWS - WSDL access url with resource suffix allows any arbitrary xml file to be viewed
- Resolved
JBPAPP-1280 JBossWS - Port JBWS-2362 fix to EAP
- Resolved
JBPAPP-1449 @BindingType(javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPBinding.SOAP12HTTP_BINDING) does not seem to work
- Resolved
JBPAPP-1196 $JAXBAccessorF_ and $JAXBAccessorM_ cache loosing classes and failing to re-create classes.
- Resolved
JBPAPP-1248 JBossWS - Incorrection Detection of CONFIDENTIAL Endpoints
- Resolved
JBPAPP-1288 JBossWS - Wrong Content-Type in SOAP 1.2 messages
- Resolved
JBPAPP-1290 JBossWS - JAX-WS Deployments Fail For AOP Instrumented Endpoints
- Resolved
JBPAPP-1349 JBossWS - Add JAAS certificate authentication support to ws-security implementation
- Resolved
JBPAPP-1352 JBossWS - Correct WSDL dynamic address replacement.
- Resolved
JBPAPP-1386 JBossWS - WSDL To Java - Anonymous types nested within anonymous types generated JAX-RPC mapping does not match generated source.
- Resolved
JBPAPP-1438 JBossWS - Drop port from URL for endpoint where default port for the protocol is being used.
- Resolved
JBPAPP-1439 JBossWS - Allow the Xerces defer-node-expansion optimisation to be disabled.
- Resolved
JBPAPP-1440 Release and upgrade JBossWS Common to 1.0.0.GA_CP03
- Resolved
JBPAPP-1461 JBossWS - DOMUtils ThreadLocals not cleared for client calls.
- Resolved
JBPAPP-1552 JBossWS - Fix to enable JBossWSEntityResolver to resolve schemas locally when there is no internet access.
- Resolved
JBPAPP-1558 Release and upgrade JBossWS Framework to 2.0.1.GA_CP03
- Resolved
JBPAPP-1559 JBossWS - services page does not correctly update host address of endpoints
- Resolved
JBPAPP-1560 Upgrade glassfish-jaxb to 2.1.4.patch01
- Resolved