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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 4 and 5
  2. JBPAPP-11039

HornetQ: listMessagesAsJSON method fails to list messages if the filter property contians \n character


    • Release Notes
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      The <literal>listMessagesAsJSON</literal> method fails to list messages if the filter property contains a newline character. Work is underway in resolving this issue and it is expected to be resolved in a future release. No workaround is available.
      The <literal>listMessagesAsJSON</literal> method fails to list messages if the filter property contains a newline character. Work is underway in resolving this issue and it is expected to be resolved in a future release. No workaround is available.
    • Documented as Known Issue
    • NEW

      1. Start EAP 5.2 with HornetQ.
      2. Send messages to queue with property set as myProp1 = hello1234.

      msg.setStringProperty("myProp1", "hello1234");

      3. Loging to JMX console and navigate to queue and invoke method listMessagesAsJSON with filter value myProp1='hello1234'. It will list all messages sent to queue which contains hello1234.

      4. Now set property as myProp1 = hello1234\n.

      msg.setStringProperty("myProp1", "hello1234\n");

      5. Try to list messages with filter value myProp1 LIKE '%1234%'. It fails to list messages which are present in queue with property value hello1234\n.

            csuconic@redhat.com Clebert Suconic
            gaohoward Howard Gao
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            3 Start watching this issue
