- Port 57600 is not "udp", it's "tcp".
- Remove "JBM2" or "JBoss Messaging 2.x", they are deprecated names for "HornetQ".
- Port 54225 and 57600 are FD_SOCK, they are TCP. Not UDP.
- FD_SOCK uses multiple ports, 1 port per 1 channel. By default EAP 5 uses 7 channels (HAPartition, HAPartitionCache, HttpSession, SFSB, Entity, JBM data and JBM control), so for example, udp FD_SOCK may use 54200 to 54206. This special rule applies to 54200, 54225, 57600 and 57650.
- Guide for JBoss Messaging secondaryBindPort was removed, we should add it back. It's random port by default, need to configure to use fix port (secondaryBindPort in $JBOSS_HOME/server/$PROFILE/deploy/messaging/remoting-bisocket-service.xml, recommended value is 4458 because first socket is 4457), then add it to firewall rules.